Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back from the abyss

Ok, after a much longer break than I had anticipated I am now back at work! Woohoo!After the tendonitis went away all 6 of us came down with Fifth's Disease from the middle of January through the middle of February. That was so not fun!

It is nice to be back in action. I stocked at the Leaf Shoppe on February 12th and have a custom shorties slot, a pair of medium shorties, and a cute girlie sleepsack there for your drooling and hopefully buying pleasure. ;)

I plan to try and stock my main hyena store in the next week or two but we shall see. Big new for me. I have custom orders! So I will be keeping a log of my progress here on my blog. I will get the list together later today and update status' and maybe get a picture or two up if I have time. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get a teensy bit of work done having all 4 kids home today. *sigh*

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